Source code for dessinemoi._core

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
from import MutableMapping
from copy import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union

import attrs

# -- Sentinel value for unset parameters ---------------------------------------

class _Missing:

_MISSING = _Missing

# -- Utilities -----------------------------------------------------------------

def _fullname(cls):
    Easily get fully qualified name of a class.
    if isinstance(cls, LazyType):
        return cls.fullname

        mod = cls.__module__
        if mod == "builtins":
            return cls.__qualname__  # avoid outputs like 'builtins.str'
        return f"{mod}.{cls.__qualname__}"

# -- Core components -----------------------------------------------------------

[docs] @attrs.frozen class LazyType: """ A lightweight data class specifying a lazily loaded type. .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 """ mod: str = attrs.field(validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str)) """ Module where the imported object will be looked up. """ attr: str = attrs.field(validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str)) """ Name of the imported object. """ @attr.validator @mod.validator def _validator(self, attribute, value): if value == "": raise ValueError( f"while validating '{}': got '{value}', " "must be non-empty" ) @property def fullname(self): """ Fully qualified name of the object. """ return f"{self.mod}.{self.attr}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, value: str) -> LazyType: """ Initialize a :class:`LazyType` from a string representing its fully qualified name. :param value: String representing an absolute import path to the target type. :return: Created lazy type specification. :raises ValueError: If the ``value`` cannot be interpreted as a fully qualified name and, therefore, is suspected to be a relative import path. """ decomposed = value.split(".") if len(decomposed) < 2 or value.startswith("."): raise ValueError( f"'{value}' seems to specify a relative import path, " "please use a fully qualified name" ) mod = ".".join(decomposed[:-1]) attr = decomposed[-1] return cls(mod, attr)
[docs] def load(self) -> Type: """ Import the specified lazy type. :return: Imported type. """ mod = importlib.import_module(self.mod) return getattr(mod, self.attr)
[docs] @attrs.define class FactoryRegistryEntry: """ Data class holding a ``(cls: Type, dict_constructor: Optional[str])`` pair. * ``cls`` is a type registered to a factory; * ``dict_constructor`` is a string pointing to the class method constructor used by default when :meth:`Factory.convert` attempts dictionary conversion. If ``dict_constructor`` is set to ``None``, it means that the default constructor should be used. .. versionadded:: 21.3.0 """ cls: Union[None, Type, LazyType] = attrs.field() dict_constructor: Optional[str] = attrs.field()
[docs] @attrs.define class Factory: registry: Dict[str, FactoryRegistryEntry] = attrs.field(factory=dict) """ Dictionary holding the factory registry. .. versionchanged:: 21.3.0 Changed type from ``Dict[str, Type]`` to ``Dict[str, FactoryRegistryEntry]``. """ @property def registered_types(self) -> List[str]: """ List of currently registered types, without duplicates. .. versionadded:: 21.3.0 """ return list({_fullname(x.cls) for x in self.registry.values()}) def _register_impl( self, cls: Union[Type, LazyType, str], type_id: Optional[str] = None, dict_constructor: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite_id: bool = False, allow_lazy: bool = True, ) -> Any: if isinstance(cls, str): cls = LazyType.from_str(cls) # Upon request, force eager loading of lazy type declarations if isinstance(cls, LazyType) and not allow_lazy: cls = cls.load() # If no ID is specified and the type declares one, use it if type_id is None: try: type_id = cls._TYPE_ID except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError( f"while registering {cls}: please declare a type ID" ) from e # Check if type is already registered cls_fullname = _fullname(cls) if not aliases and cls_fullname in self.registered_types: raise ValueError(f"'{cls_fullname}' is already registered") # Check if ID is already used if not overwrite_id and type_id in self.registry.keys(): raise ValueError( f"'{type_id}' is already used to reference " f"'{_fullname(self.registry[type_id].cls)}'" ) # Check that dict constructor exists (skipped with lazy types) if isinstance(cls, type) and dict_constructor is not None: try: getattr(cls, dict_constructor) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError( f"class method '{cls.__name__}.{dict_constructor}()' does not exist" ) from e # All checks done: perform actual registration self.registry[type_id] = FactoryRegistryEntry( cls=cls, dict_constructor=dict_constructor, ) # Add aliases if aliases is None: aliases = [] for alias_id in aliases: self.alias(type_id, alias_id) return cls
[docs] def register( self, cls: Any = _MISSING, *, type_id: Optional[str] = None, dict_constructor: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite_id: bool = False, allow_lazy: bool = True, ) -> Any: """ If parameter ``cls`` is passed, register ``cls`` to the factory. Otherwise, *i.e.* if this method is used as a decorator, register the decorated class to the factory. .. note:: All arguments, except ``cls``, are keyword-only. :param cls: If set, type to register to the factory. If unset, this function returns a callable which can be used to register classes. In practice, this parameter is unset when the method is used as a class decorator. A :class:`LazyType` instance or a string convertible to :class:`LazyType` may also be passed. :param type_id: Identifier string used to register ``cls``. Required if ``cls`` is a lazy type or if it does not specify its identifier itself. :param dict_constructor: Class method to be used for dictionary-based construction. If ``None``, the default constructor is used. :param aliases: If ``True``, a given type can be registered multiple times under different IDs. :param overwrite_id: If ``True``, existing IDs can be overwritten. :param allow_lazy: If ``False``, force eager loading of lazy types. :raises ValueError: If ``allow_aliases`` is ``False`` and ``cls`` is already registered. :raises ValueError: If ``allow_id_overwrite`` is ``False`` and ``type_id`` is already used to reference a type in the registry. .. versionchanged:: 21.3.0 Made keyword-only. .. versionchanged:: 21.3.0 Added ``dict_constructor`` argument. .. versionchanged:: 22.1.0 Added ``allow_lazy`` argument. Accept :class:`LazyType` and strings for ``cls``. .. versionchanged:: 22.2.0 Renamed ``allow_id_overwrite`` to ``overwrite_id``. Removed ``allow_aliases``, replaced by ``aliases``. """ if cls is not _MISSING: try: return self._register_impl( cls, type_id=type_id, dict_constructor=dict_constructor, aliases=aliases, overwrite_id=overwrite_id, allow_lazy=allow_lazy, ) except ValueError: raise else: def inner_wrapper(wrapped_cls): return self._register_impl( wrapped_cls, type_id=type_id, dict_constructor=dict_constructor, aliases=aliases, overwrite_id=overwrite_id, ) return inner_wrapper
[docs] def alias(self, type_id: str, alias_id: str, overwrite_id: bool = False) -> None: """ Register a new alias to a registered type. :param type_id: ID of the aliased type. :param alias_id: Created alias ID. :raises ValueError: .. versionadded:: 22.2.0 """ if type_id in self.registry: if not overwrite_id and alias_id in self.registry.keys(): raise ValueError( f"'{type_id}' is already used to reference " f"'{_fullname(self.registry[type_id].cls)}'" ) else: self.registry[alias_id] = self.registry[type_id] else: raise ValueError(f"cannot alias unregistered type '{type_id}'")
[docs] def get_type(self, type_id: str) -> Type: """ Return the type corresponding to the requested type ID. Lazy types will be loaded. :param type_id: ID of a registered type. :returns: Corresponding type. .. versionadded:: 22.1.1 """ entry = self.registry[type_id] if isinstance(entry.cls, LazyType): cls = entry.cls.load() self.registry[type_id].cls = cls else: cls = entry.cls return cls
[docs] def create( self, type_id: str, allowed_cls: Optional[Union[Type, Tuple[Type]]] = None, construct: Optional[str] = None, args: Optional[Sequence] = None, kwargs: Optional[MutableMapping] = None, ) -> Any: """ Create a new instance of a registered type. :param type_id: ID of the type to be instantiated. :param allowed_cls: If not ``None``, one or several types to which creation shall be restricted. If ``type_id`` does not reference one of these allowed types, an exception will be raised. :param construct: If not ``None``, attempt instantiation using a class method constructor instead of the default constructor. :param args: A sequence of arguments to pass to the constructor of the created type. :param kwargs: A mapping of keyword arguments to passed to the constructor of the created type. :return: Created object. :raises ValueError: If ``type_id`` does not reference a registered type. :raises TypeError: If the requested type is not allowed. .. versionchanged:: 21.2.0 Added ``construct`` keyword argument. """ try: cls = self.get_type(type_id) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"no type registered as '{type_id}'") from e if allowed_cls is not None and not issubclass(cls, allowed_cls): raise TypeError( f"'{type_id}' does not reference allowed type {allowed_cls} or " "any of its subtypes" ) if args is None: args = tuple() if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() if construct is not None: return getattr(cls, construct)(*args, **kwargs) else: return cls(*args, **kwargs)
def _convert_impl( self, value, allowed_cls: Optional[Union[Type, Tuple[Type]]] = None, ) -> Any: if isinstance(value, MutableMapping): # Copy value to avoid unintended mutation value_copy = copy(value) # Query registry type_id = value_copy.pop("type") try: entry = self.registry[type_id] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"no type registered as '{type_id}'") from e # Resolve lazy type if necessary cls = entry.cls.load() if isinstance(entry.cls, LazyType) else entry.cls # Check if class is allowed if allowed_cls is not None and not issubclass(cls, allowed_cls): raise TypeError( f"conversion to object type '{type_id}' ({cls}) is not allowed" ) # Construct object return self.create( type_id, construct=entry.dict_constructor, kwargs=value_copy ) else: # Check if object has allowed type if allowed_cls is not None: if not isinstance(value, allowed_cls): raise TypeError("value type is not allowed") return value
[docs] def convert( self, value: MutableMapping = _MISSING, *, allowed_cls: Optional[Union[Type, Tuple[Type]]] = None, ) -> Any: """ Convert a dictionary to one of the types supported by the factory. .. note:: All arguments, except ``self`` and ``value``, are keyword-only. :param value: Value to attempt conversion of. If ``value`` is a dictionary, the method tries to convert it to a registered type based on the ``type``. If ``value`` is not a dictionary, it is returned without change. If ``value`` is unset, the method returns a callable which can later be used for conversion. :param allowed_cls: Types to restrict conversion to. If set, ``value`` will be checked and an exception will be raised if it does not have one of the allowed types. :return: Created object if ``value`` is a dictionary; ``value`` otherwise. :raises TypeError: If ``allowed_cls`` is specified and ``value.type`` refers to a disallowed type or ``type(value)`` is disallowed. .. versionchanged:: 21.3.0 Made all args keyword-only except for ``value``. """ if value is _MISSING: return lambda x: self._convert_impl(value=x, allowed_cls=allowed_cls) else: return self._convert_impl(value=value, allowed_cls=allowed_cls)